This is a complete guide to on-page SEO in 2023. SEO is one of the most important aspects of a website. This guide will teach you how to make your site more search engine friendly.

In this new guide, you’ll learn:

Let’s get started.

Step 1:On-Page SEO Basics

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels.com

What is On-Page SEO?

I believe that every page on your site should be optimized for search engines and users. I know how frustrating it can be to have an excellent location and not rank in search results. I also know how easy it can be to get lost in the weeds when trying to improve your site’s search engine ranking. My goal is to make sure you get more traffic and more leads!

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page, SEO is about optimizing the content on your website for search engines and users. It’s a lot like writing for a newspaper. You want to make sure you are writing for the people searching for the information you provide, not just writing for yourself. while off-page search SEO requires a lot of work and can be very time-consuming

Why is On-Page SEO Important?

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo still look at keywords, title tags, and meta description tags to help determine what content to display to searchers. So if you’re not using these things correctly, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to improve your rankings.

Many people think that using a keyword-rich title tag will get your site on the first page of Google, but that’s not true. You see results with a keyword-rich title tag because the top-ranking sites use that exact keyword in their title tag.

Search engine optimization is an integral part of marketing, and I have created a step-by-step guide to getting started with SEO. This chapter will teach you how to use keywords to improve your page’s visibility in search engines and create content that will attract visitors to your site.

Read more:How to Setup Blog on Hashnode – Free Blog for Developer 

Step 2:Optimize Your Content for SEO

The only way to make sure you’re on the first page of search engines is to create compelling content to draw people to your website. But what if you don’t know how to optimize your content? It’s not as complicated as it sounds. This chapter will show you how to start optimizing your content for search engines. You’ll also learn to improve your keyword density, keyword usage, and meta description.

Use Your Target Keyword In The First 100 Words

There are many different ways to use your target keyword in the first 100 words of your article. However, the most important thing is to get it out there as soon as possible and as early as possible. This is because people will start looking for that keyword, and if they find it in the first 100 words of your article, it’s a good sign that they will click on your link.

If you want to rank for specific keywords, you need to get them into your title. This is why it is essential to include the keyword in the title. If you don’t, you will lose out on valuable rankings.

You want to keep your title short and sweet because this is what people will see when they search for you. It’s your opportunity to tell them what they’re in for and why they should visit your site. If you don’t have a good reason for people to visit your site, they won’t stick around.

Wrap Your Blog Post Title in an H1 Tag

The H1 tag is like a mini title tag. Google has stated that using an H1 tag helps Google understand the page’s structure. Most platforms (like WordPress) automatically add the H1 tag to your blog post title. If that’s the case, you’re all set.

That’s the first step to ensuring that Google sees your content as high quality. It’s also good to put your keywords in the title tag and ensure the content is in the correct format.

Wrap Subheadings in H2 Tags

The number one thing I see in many websites is that the subheadings are too large and don’t have any content. The headings are so big that you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to read the subheadings. And there’s nothing between the titles. I’ve seen websites that only have one line of text between the heading tags, making it difficult for Google to index them appropriately.

To get people to pay attention to your website or blog, you need to give them compelling content. Content marketing is about giving away value in exchange for something of value. The key to content marketing is to make sure that your content is worth its time to write it. It’s time. You can do this by using practical tools to help you create better, more relevant content.

Keyword Frequency

I have a page about a particular keyword, but I’m not sure what the keyword is. So I search for it. I find the page, and it has lots of links back to it from other carriers. Google sees this as positive and ranks the page higher in search results. The more times your keyword appears on a page, the more Google thinks it is relevant to the page.

If you want to rank well for a particular keyword, it’s essential to include it on your page as much as possible. However, it’s also necessary to make sure that you don’t overdo it. The best way to do this is by using the Yoast SEO plugin (http://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/) and checking the “Keyword Count” option.

I get it; it’s easy to get carried away with keywords and overuse them. But what’s the point? Overusing them doesn’t get you anywhere. The real question is: Does it make sense to you? If yes, then by all means, go ahead and sprinkle your keywords around. If not, don’t.

Use External (Outbound) Links

Many people think they should only link out to their site, but that’s not the case. If you’re going to link out, make sure that you’re linking to other pages that are relevant to your page. And don’t forget to use keywords in your anchor text.

Websites with lots of backlinks are ranked higher than those with fewer backlinks. So if you want to get more traffic to your site, you should create a lot of links from your site to other related websites.

Optimize Your URLs for SEO

If you don’t optimize your URLs, your web pages may not appear in the search results. And this means that people who are searching for information on your website may not find it. And if they can’t find it, they won’t come back. And they won’t come back. And they won’t come back. And they won’t come back. And they won’t come back. And they won’t come back. And they won’t come back.

You can find out what keywords rank well for your site in Google Analytics. Then you can use them in your URLs. For example, I use the keyword link building in my URLs.


Chapter 3:Optimize Title and Description Tags

You can optimize your titles and descriptions to get better rankings in search results. This is especially important if you want to rank on the first search results page. And the good news is that you can use tools like Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool to help you determine which keywords to include in your titles and descriptions.

The title tag and description are two of the most critical elements on any web page, and they are also the first things visitors see when they land on a website. They are often the first words people read when searching for something on the internet.

Front-load Your Title tag

When I first started as a web developer, I used to look at the URL and figure out what my title tag was supposed to be. Then I would put the keyword in the middle of the title tag. But now I understand that search engines are more intelligent than that.

It doesn’t make much sense to have a title that starts with your keyword. Your keyword is the essential part of your title tag. You want people to click on your title and read your description. Therefore, make sure your title is as close to the beginning as possible.

Use Title Tag Modifiers

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO. It’s also one of the most time-consuming. You have to know what words people search for to get the most traffic from Google. To help with this, I have created an SEO tool that shows you how to find the most profitable keywords for your site.

I didn’t add the title tag modifiers to this page to get more traffic. I did it because I want my visitors to have a better experience using my site.

Use Unique, Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions

As you can see, I’m using a simple keyword-rich description. This makes it easier for the search engine to identify my content. You’ll also notice that I have added a description image, which can help the search engines display my image on SERPs.

If you don’t include your keyword in your description, Google will likely ignore it. This means that your content will not get as much traffic, and you’ll have to spend more money on ads to get traffic to your site.

Step 4:Write SEO Content

This chapter will teach you the basics of SEO and how to write for Google. You’ll learn about the best practices of SEO and how to write content that ranks well.

Unique Content

The post is unique because it contains a checklist that no one has ever written before. The content is also unique because it helps you learn how to do SEO for your website. If you’re looking for something that will rank on Google, this content is a must-read.

I’m not going to lie – I did use my keyword a lot. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t try to make my post as keyword-friendly as possible. I put a lot of time into this post. But my postposition is unique, and it is the best resource on the web.

Valuable Content

I know what you’re thinking: “How can a simple list of checklists be so valuable?” Well, let me explain. When you have an SEO checklist post, you’re giving people the opportunity to learn from you. You’re showing them that you’ve put in the work to learn how to improve their sites. And, you’re also showing them that you’re willing to share what you’ve learned with others.

It’s a step-by-step, easy-to-follow, beginner-friendly watercolor curriculum.

Content That Satisfies Search Intent

We have a lot of tools at our disposal to make sure we can rank for keywords and increase traffic to our sites. But we also need to focus on providing high-quality content that satisfies the search intent of the searcher. If we give this type of content, we’ll have a great chance of getting to the first page of Google.

The post I published didn’t do well, but the mistake I made is an excellent example of why you should never assume that you know everything about entering the market. You should always learn as much as you can about what is going on. That way, you will be able to make informed decisions about your business and your marketing.

I’m a little surprised that I only received two backlinks. I was expecting more. I mean, the keyword is “backlink checker.” And the backlinks came from a blog about SEO. But hey, if you’re doing your homework, you’ll know how to get links.

When I read a book, I often skip to the end to see what happens next. So I wanted to do that for you, too. If you’ve been reading this book so far, you’ve already learned the basics of watercolor painting. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the next steps.

Step 5: Optimize for CTR

A high CTR means that people click on your ads and not ignore them. If your CTR is low, then it means that people are not clicking on your ads. This is probably because your ads are not enticing enough.

Use “Question Title Tags”

A question-based title tag is a great way to grab a user’s attention and keep them reading your page. An excellent example is the Google search results for “best nofollow links.” You’ll notice a question-based title tag on the first page of search results. The title tag is something that we’ve found has a significant impact on the success of your site.

If you have a keyword that you want to rank well for, and you want to make sure that you don’t get penalized for not having the nofollow link, then I would recommend that you do some research on how to use the no-follow tag.

Fill In Missing Meta Descriptions

If you want to learn how to write a killer meta description, check out my tutorial on writing meta descriptions. You’ll learn how to write one of your page’s most important SEO strategy components.

If you want to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), you’ll want to add descriptions to your pages. You can do this in several ways, including adding meta tags in HTML code. However, there are many other ways to optimize your site to help you rank higher in SERPs.

Use Review or FAQ Schema

The most important thing you can do to improve your organic traffic is to use Schema on your pages. But Schema alone won’t help you directly with SEO.

The first step in creating Schema is understanding what Schema is and how it works. Once you know Schema, you can use it to create Schema that is optimized for search engines. There are different types of Schema, each with its purpose and benefits. If you are not sure which kind of Schema would be best for your site, I recommend using a Structured Data Testing Tool tool to see what Schema would be most effective for your site. Structured Data Testing Tool tool to click

Add Some Emotion to Your Title Tags

If you want to add some emotion to your titles, you need to be careful not to overdo it. You don’t want to come off as “clickbait.” You want to be able to get your readers’ attention without looking like a spammer.

Title tags are essential for SEO and conversion. The first impression someone gets when they come to your site is based on the title tag. The most important thing will get people to click on your link. Make sure you spend some time with it and make it as descriptive as possible.

Add the Current Year to the Title and Description

The current year is one of the most important things you can include in your title and description to ensure that your post shows up in the search results for that year. If you don’t add the current year to your title and description, then people searching for something from the past year will miss your post because your title and description will look like this:

If you’re a blogger, the chances are that you want to rank well in Google for specific keywords. However, you don’t want just to throw keywords into your blog post because you don’t want to look spammy. You can add the year to your title and description to do this. This makes it clear that your content is current, and this helps Google find it more easily.

Step 6 :On-Page UX Signals

I’m going to share some insights on how Google looks at on-page UX signals. If you’re not familiar with UX Signals, you might want to watch this tutorial video.

Google’s goal is to provide users with the best possible results. Google uses various techniques to determine which sites are most likely to provide high-quality content to achieve that goal. They look at the number of links pointing to a site, the popularity of a site’s content, and how often a site is updated.

Push Content Above the Fold

When you have a lot of content on your site, people land on your page because they’re searching for information. When they land on your site, they expect to see your content as soon as possible. This is why it’s essential to ensure that your content is above the fold.

Chunk Your Content

I approach creating content for my blog by chunking my writing into smaller, digestible chunks. This allows me to write more posts in less time. You should also do the same. When creating content for your site, chunk it up to develop more placements in less time.

Have an Active Community

I’ve found that the best way to attract readers and keep them engaged is to have a high-quality comments section. When someone is interested in what you’re saying, they’ll stick around to see what else you have to say. Plus, you’ll get more backlinks and traffic when you have a high-quality comments section.

Step 7:Advanced On-Page SEO Tips

First, I’ll explain why the title tag is so important. It is the essential element of the page because it is what people see when they visit your site. The title tag is also one of the first things that search engines see. Second, I’ll explain why the H1 tag is so important. It is the essential element of the page because it is what people see when they visit your site.

My goal is to help you understand what they all mean. I will be providing you with my analysis and recommendations and pointing you in the direction of the best resources on the web.

Use Original images

Then he used original images for each of these websites. He took a random sample of five photos from Flickr and then added them to the page. After a few weeks of running the experiment, Shai discovered that the websites with original images performed much better than those with stock images. The reason is that when you use authentic photos, Google will recognize your website as an original content site. In turn, this will help it rank you higher in search results.

If you’ve ever thought about creating your website but weren’t sure how to start, you’re in luck! I’m going to show you how to create a website in minutes.

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s even more true when it comes to search engine optimization. If you want to see what your audience sees, just look at the results of a Google Image Search for your brand name. You’ll probably find that the images on your site are helping you rank better than the text on the page.

Internal Linking

Once you have the list of pages with link authority, use Google Analytics to determine which pages get the most traffic. Then, use a backlink-building tool like LinkAssistant to decide which pages get the most inbound links. You can then use the same tool to determine which links are shared by other websites. Finally, use SEMRush to see which keywords these pages are ranking for. Then, use those keywords in your content to help boost your rankings and traffic.

The key to internal linking is to find the best pages on your site relevant to the content of the page you’re linking to and then include them as anchors within your content.

They don’t have a sitemap.

Write Comprehensive Content

When you write a post, make sure you cover all the bases. You should always have a title, body, and a call to action. If you want to rank well, make sure you cover all three.

I’m not a massive fan of LSI keywords because it’s tricky. The problem is that most people don’t know what LSI keywords are. When I do use them, I usually do so to get more traffic from Google. The main reason I don’t go nuts about LSI keywords is that I typically write long content. Long content increases the odds that you’ll naturally use LSI keywords.

Boost Your Page Speed

Google has stated on the record that page loading speed is an SEO ranking signal (and they recently made PageSpeed even more essential). According to our analysis of 5. 2 million websites, you can improve your site’s loading speed by moving to a faster host.

The internet has made the world a smaller place, and it is easier than ever to share information, opinions, and photos with friends and family. This means that many third-party scripts are embedded on websites. These scripts include advertising scripts, analytics scripts, social media sharing buttons, and even malware. The problem with these scripts is that they are usually written to make it easy for them to collect information about your browsing habits and interests.

Image Optimization

The images you have on your website must be correctly named and optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This helps your website show up in search engine results. If you want to learn how to optimize your images, I recommend the following article: [https://www.seotools.net/image-optimization-basics-what-you-need-to-know/]

It’s good to ensure that you use the right keywords in your title tags and alt tags for your images. You should also make sure that you are using the right keywords in the content of your pages.

Rank Your Content In Featured Snippets

To rank well for keywords in Google, you need to get featured snippets for them. However, according to this industry study, you need to already be on the first page to have any shot at getting a Featured Snippet. You need to find first-page results with a Featured Snippet and rank for them.

When you’re looking for new keywords, you want to see what’s already ranking on the first page of Google. That’s where you’ll find the highest-ranking keywords that are getting the most organic traffic. And it’s a great way to find keywords that are getting the most traffic and, thus, are likely to convert.

When you optimize your content to rank in the featured snippet, you try to give the searcher a reason to click on your content and read more. This is why you want to make sure that you include a short definition of your topic in your content. If you have a list of steps or tips, you want to ensure consistent page structure.

Voice Search SEO

We’re all familiar with voice search. It’s a way to find stuff online without typing anything. The problem is that many people don’t know how to use it, so they do a lot of typing. That’s why we’re talking about voice search SEO. It’s growing SUPER fast, and the best way to optimize your content for voice search? Create FAQ pages. Our voice search SEO study found that Google loves to pull voice search results from FAQ pages.

Now I’d Like to Hear From You.

I hope you found this new on-page SEO guide helpful. Now I’d like to hear what you have to say: 

Which tip from today’s post do you want to try first?

Are you going to front-load your keyword in your title tag?

Or maybe you want to rank in the Featured Snippet spot.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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